Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Peppermint is a land we love.

Do you remember the first time you had peppermint?  Most likely not, you would have been too young.
Peppermint has been a staple of the American kid's diet for a very long time.  I remember peppermint patties, peppermint mints, sticks, ice cream, candies, bark and many variations on theme.  It all comes back to me as I walked through production this morning.  Lee and Chris are cooking peppermint and we smell good today.

Earliest Recorded Uses of Peppermint.

Pliny (23-79 AD), Roman scientist and historian, recorded that the Greeks and Romans used peppermint to flavor sauces and their wines. Sprays of peppermint also adorned their tables.

Ancient Greek physicians used two different species of mint but some experts doubt that either was what we know as peppermint today. There is however, evidence that the Egyptians cultivated M. piperita. It's also mentioned in thirteenth century Icelandic Pharmacopoeias. It wasn't until the middle of the 18th century that peppermint was cultivated for its medicinal properties in Western Europe and England.

History of Peppermint in England.

Peppermint is thought to be a native English plant and possibly a hybrid between M. spicata and M. aquatica.
It was recorded by Ray (1627 - 1705) in 1696. John Ray is most well-known for his work Methodus Plantarum Nova in 1682 which was influentual in the world of botany. In 1721, it was included in the London Pharmacopceia under a listing for M. piperitis sapore.
Peppermint has been grown commerically in England since 1750, primarily at Mitcham in Surrey. Similar statements to what we found when researching the history of lavender, extole essential peppermint oil produced from plants grown in this area as far superior to that from peppermint grown elsewhere. That said, growing peppermint can easily be achieved in just about every climate and geographical location.

Historical Medicinal Uses of Peppermint Oil.

Oil of peppermint contains menthol which is an antiseptic and anesthetic. Chewing a few peppermint leaves is thought to relieve a toothache. Indigestion, cold and flu sufferers can find some relief by drinking peppermint tea. However, peppermint tea can cause insomnia and it is therefore best avoided at night.
Like many of the herbs we discuss, peppermint oil is useful in combating flatulence and mild indigestion. Many over-the-counter stomach aids contain peppermint to both enhance the taste as well as the effectiveness of the medicine.

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