Thursday, May 31, 2012

The life of lips.

Let’s talk about lips.

You can give lip service, leave lip prints, chew on them, kiss them, lick them, like them, bite them, paint them, cut them, pinch them,.. lips can chap, age, weather, crust, burn, crack, bake,  brown, balloon, swell, sing, swallow, push, beckon, blind, warm, wet, whistle, sigh, sunburn, smile, frown, gape, spit,  sneer, snarl,  smirk, moisten, pout, purse, plump, cool, dab and be injected amongst other things.

And what is the best thing you can do for your lips?  Apply lip moisturizing balm on a regular basis and get them kissed on a regular basis!
Lip Balm in lots of flavors!
The Pied Piper

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Protection racket exposed!

Sunburn is no fun!

A couple of quick facts for you today.  Getting sunburned 5 times results in a dramatically increased risk for skin cancer.  Not 5 times per week, not 5 times per month, not 5 times per summer but 5 times in your life.

Wearing a hat is great but that only controls the amount of sun you get hit with from directly overhead.  Reflected sun is a greater danger.

And did you know that SPF 30 blocks 97% of the UVB rays?  You don't really benefit from higher SPF ratings., SPF 50 has 1% more blocking power.

Knowledge is power. Protect yourself. Use broadband sunscreen.

The Pied Piper

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Face that Paint

Puddy is the Devil-Sienfeld


Why is face paint becoming so popular?
Check this:
7700 College and Universities (with teams and clubs galore)
140,000 Schools (with teams and clubs galore)
1089 Heritage festivals (What does your flag look like)
5752 Professional or Semi Professional sport teams (Wear your colors proudly)
8,000,000 High schoolers involved in sports (who is rooting for who)
311,591,917 US population –(how many teams do they each support)

Now toss in art and crafts at camps and in schools.  Add high holidays like St.Pats and 4th of July.  Include causes like breast cancer awareness.

What do you have?  Unbelievable opportunity!

The Pied Piper

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Who's outside? Everyone is!

"In 2011, participation in outdoor recreation reached a five-year record in the U.S. providing hopeful evidence for the ongoing move toward healthier living and active lifestyles according to the 2012 Outdoor Recreation Participation Topline Report.
More than 141 million Americans, or 49.4 percent of the U.S. population, participated in outdoor activities last year, an increase of three million people compared to 2010 and continuing a five-year trend. In addition, Americans made a total of 11.6 billion outdoor outings in 2011, which is 1.5 billion more than the previous year. Annually, participants averaged 82 outdoor outings – from hiking to biking, skiing to paddling.
“This report shows that Americans are getting up and getting outside – a great trend for the outdoor community and the country,” said Christine Fanning, executive director of The Outdoor Foundation, which published the report. “We are encouraged by the growing population of active young people, which reflects recent efforts to re-engage and re-inspire America’s youth to get outdoors.”
The research showed increases in youth and young adult participation – continuing an encouraging, yet modest, trend over the last few years. Outdoor participation increased by one percent in every age bracket, 6-to-12, 13-to-17 and 18-to-24 respectively. This accounted for more than four billion outdoor outings for the younger generation with an annual average of nearly 90 outdoor outings. While encouraging, these rates are significantly lower than those recorded in 2006. For example, 63 percent of youth ages 6-to-12 participated in outdoor recreation in 2011, compared to 78 percent in 2006.
The Most Popular activities among young people in overall participation continue to be Running, Biking, Camping, Fishing and Hiking.
The Most Favorite activities as measured by frequency of participation were Running, Biking, Skateboarding, Triathlons and Birdwatching. Interestingly, adults share a passion for similar recreational pursuits."

So you need to grab your sunscreen, lip balm, sport lubricant and get in the game!
The Pied Piper

Friday, May 4, 2012

Three Amigos embrace the balm!

Classic Moments in Lip Balmness

Click on the link and see a classic moment from the lip balm archives.  Every new product that comes off the board and into production is treated like a classic around here!
The Pied Piper